Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

I can't believe this gorgeous weather we are having so early in the year! It's been in the 80's, and all the poor flowers are so confused. I went for a walk around the yard to see
if I could rustle up a Spring bouquet, and there are flowers everywhere. They're sure to get buried in snow soon! Anyways, I pruned my way through this huge patch of very thorny wild roses >>> to get to the white blossoms beyond, and it was worth it, they look beautiful in a vase with some Forsythia that was much easier to get to!

My sweet little polka-dot flowers are blooming like crazy, right up through the leaves that haven't been raked out yet, I'd better get busy! They are the cutest little things, periwinkle blue, lavender, and pink, all blooming together in the same little bunch. I wish they would last all Summer instead of just a few weeks in Spring!

Yesterday was so gorgeous that we closed the shop early and went for an "off the beaten path" road trip, just us girls! We went to see our friend Monica, who has an amazing shabby-chic shop where she sells antique linens, vintage clothing, antique china, delicious soaps and lotions that smell like wonderful things (lilac and lily of the valley scents were my favorites), and so much more. It's a tiny shop but it is jam-packed, and you could easily spend all afternoon looking at all the wonderful stuff she has displayed in the most beautiful ways. She certainly gives everything her personal touch, everything has a hand written fancy little tag and is tied up with a ribbon, so special! We also went to a bakery, a cheese outlet, an antique store, an everlastings store, and to see two of the Amish women who quilt for us, and we topped it all off with the best salads for lunch at a delightful restaurant. It was a gorgeous day, and we passed a long stretch of nothing but daffodils growing along the bank of the road, so beautiful! Needless to say, we traveled alot of dirt roads, and we came home with the PT Cruiser filled to the top with things we couldn't possibly live without, including these beautiful linens, and a very shabby, very cool "three burners on legs" from an old gas stove. I had originally planned on using the burners as legs for an old wooden tool box to raise it up so I could use it as a coffee table, but it's so cool I hate to hide it under something, so it may end up as a plant stand until I decide what to do with it.

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